
What is a Jamboree?

A Jamboree is a large Scout Camp held every three years at different sites in New Zealand and attended by around 4,000 or more Scouts, Leaders and staff. 

It runs for about seven days, plus travel to and from the site. In effect, it’s a week-long Scout Camp extended by a couple of days but with an extra trip. 

Troops often take advantage of the travel to explore other parts of New Zealand.

The Jamboree is usually rotated around the three different sites, one in the central or northern North Island, one in the lower North Island, and one in the South Island.

Most Scouts will only get one chance to attend a Jamboree as a Scout but may return in three years as a Venturer and serve as a member of the Jamboree Support Team.

Upcoming Jamborees

23rd NZ Jamboree 2019~2020, Mystery Creek, Waikato

Past Jamborees