The Scout Method

The Scout Method

Te Tikanga Mahi Scout

The Scout Method is ‘how’ we do Scouting. There are 7 parts to this:

Promise and Law

Te Kī Taurangi Me

Values you should live by in all that you do, within and outside of Scouting.


Te Wae-Kai-Kapua

Having fun and learning in the outdoors.

Personal Progression

Te Ahunga Whakamua Whaiaro

Challenging yourself to do your best with new and exciting adventurous things.

Community Engagement

Te Whakawhanaunga Ki Te Hapori

Actively helping other people in your neighbourhood to make it a better place.

Youth Leading, Adults Supporting

Ko Ngā Taiohi Ki Te

Arataki, Ko Ngā

Pakeke Ki Te Tautoko

Scouting is for you, and the adults support you in your journey.

Learning by Doing

Mā Mahi Ka Ako

Trying new things and practicing.

Small Teams

He Tīma Iti

Working in a variety of small teams.