What Scouts can expect from you


Good behaviour is the joint responsibility of the child, parent and Leaders. Everyone is expected to cooperate, follow instructions and treat people and property with respect. Leaders use positive reinforcement and a reward system to encourage appropriate behaviour.


Like most voluntary organisations fundraising is done on a regular basis.

Den Working Bee

Once a year, St. Chads Scouts holds a working bee day to carry out maintenance on the Scout Den. Support from our members and parents on the day is greatly appreciated and helps to keep our Den in working order for future generations of Scouts.

Parent Help

We are all volunteers in Scouts and without your help there can be no Scouts.

You will see on the membership application form a list of ways in which you can help


Please come into the hall to drop off and pick up your child. We appreciate it when you promptly collect your child. Please let your Leader know if someone else will collect your child.


If your child is absent for any reason please contact us.