Plan, Do, Review

Plan, Do, Review

Whakamahere, Mahi, Arotake

Plan, Do, Review is how we approach every activity in Scouting. There are 3 steps in this cycle:



Decide what you are going to do, and how you are going to do it



Put your plan into action!



Think about how it went, what went well, what you might do differently next time, and how you can use what you learned the next time you plan

Why use Plan, Do and Review?

He aha tatou Whakamahere - Mahi - Arotake

Plan Do and Review is a simple cycle that is used to design not just Scout activities but can be used for everyday life experiences. When you Plan, Do and Review, you are maximising the chances of having an effective and fun experience with some good learning opportunities. Anyone can use this framework, including young people, leaders and other volunteers

Once you have reviewed your activity/experience that’s not the end. With Plan, Do and Review cycle you can carry on what you do, learning more about yourself and making activities better

What is Plan, Do and Review?

He aha te whakamahere - mahi - Arotake


Having a plan helps you achieve what you want and keeps you focused. Here are some points to think about that can help you plan:

  • What are you planning to do?

  • What skills and knowledge will be developed (SPICES)?

  • Where will it happen; do you have/ need permission?

  • What resources and gear do you need?

  • Who can do what to make it happen?

  • What do you need to think about for everyone’s health and safety?


Lets do it; putting the plan into action!

  • Follow your plan

  • Try out new things

  • Learn new skills

  • Challenge yourself


This is where you get to learn from your experiences; the doing part. To help you to review, here’s some questions to consider:

  • Did the activity go well?

  • What did I learn from the experience?

  • Did others take part as expected and what did they think?

  • What would you change if you were to do it again?

  • Did you enjoy the activity and was it fun?

How do we use Plan, Do and Review?

He pēhea tātou e whakamahi i Whakamahere - Mahi - Arotake?

Having a plan helps you achieve what you want and keeps you focused. Here are some points to think about that can help you plan for every section and daily activities:

  • What are you planning to do?

  • What skills and knowledge will be developed (SPICES)?

  • Where will it happen; do you have/need permission?

  • Who do you need to communicate with and what are you telling them?

  • What resources and gear do you need?

  • Who can do what to make it happen?

  • What do you need to think about for everyone’s health, safety and hauora/well-being?

Leaders: what Plan, Do and Review looks like for your sections:

E ngā kaihautū: He pēhea te ahua o Whakamahere - Mahi - Arotake mō tō wāhanga:

Kea leaders use fun, engaging games and activities for all their sessions as a way to encourage involvement with young people in the Plan, Do and Review Process

Cub leaders support the small teams of Cubs to have a say and run the sessions with leader support; going through the Plan, Do and Review process with fun and interactive games

Scouts work in small teams using the Plan, Do and Review process with the support and guidance of leaders

Venturers run their own Plan, Do and Review process with adult leaders support, guidance and mentoring when required

As young adults, Rovers do their own planning, doing and reviewing with mentoring from senior members of the section